Friday, December 17, 2010

That first home buying experience

(These articles are posted for the sole basis of work reference and are made for VWorker Client Buyers from past projects)

The thrill of owning your first home can send shivers down your spine. Fear and excitement always go hand in hand, when trying to buy that first home for you, and your family. Excitement because you are owning a real estate property for the first time, fear because of the impending expenditures on mortgage and maintenance. This quick outline, can give you additional knowledge in preparing yourself for that wonderful experience of owning a property called home.

· Systematize your credit:

As soon as you decide to buy your own home, it is very important to set your credit history in high gear. This is where being frugal comes in, and that extra savings translate to a sound credit. Owning a home is a big responsibility, and that responsibility includes paying your bills and mortgage on time; and doing your part so that your expenses tow the line, while you enjoy having your own home.

· Within your financial circle:

Out of a systematize credit, comes purchasing a home within your budget. That includes maintenance expenses, the mortgage and first down payment; utility bills, insurance, taxes, association fees etc. This is all done by studying your financial limits, and working your way to the prequalifying stages for a mortgage.

· The main focus from necessities versus wish list:

Now that you’ve gotten down your budget, you have to focus on the sole reason why you want to own a home, and your main considerations in looking for a property. This is where your criterias come in, and your sense of compromise to reach these certain criterias. It means once you focus on a certain criteria, for example, the location, you can compromise minute details on the home in order to fit it in your budget. This is actually determining your needs before your wants.

· Utilize the internet for property research:

Good thing there is the internet, to get results from certain jobs that entail a lot of research. The results can make your home buying adventure a more fruitful task to fulfill. Other information you would want to know; is the resale value, the potential investment of the property, and the real estate as a whole for that particular choice.

· A real estate agent to facilitate the transaction:

A good real estate agent can take a lot of burdens off your shoulders, from trying to find a location, having an ideal home fit your budget, getting additional information on future value of the property etc.

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